How to Save Money on Car Insurance

Purchasing a car may seem to be uncomplicated for some, but the truth is, it's quite not the case for most. It takes a lot of research and surveys online and offline before the actual purchase takes place to be able to meet the perfect match. Several factors like the brand, the model (make), the price, features, etc., are a few to mention. Having said that, one must not forget the "must-have" before enjoying the ride - car insurance. It is very vital for the sole purpose of protecting the car itself and its passengers (may vary according to the extent of the coverage). It is the automatic add-on expense whereby the vehicle should not inhabit the road without it.
While car insurance would mean additional expense, there are some practical tips to save money in terms of premium payments, as follows:
  1. Compare prices and deals from one insurance provider to another.
  2. Strategize premium discounts by paying in advance and in increments like every three months, six months, or yearly.
  3. Combine car insurance purchase with another non-life coverage such as house, real estate, or other valuable properties, etc.
  4. It is worth enrolling in a certified driving school that can provide a driving lessons (in-class and road) certificate. Even if you've been driving for a long time, most insurance companies recognize that the certificate is a proof that proper training is done that will then result in huge discounts because they are certain that you know the do's and don'ts while on the road.
An additional practical tip that most people do not know is saving a lot of money from not paying the premiums when the car is not in use for whatever personal reason such as vacation, etc., from a minimum of 45 days up to an indefinite maximum length of time (may vary from one insurance provider to another). Be sure to suspend the coverage until the time you assume the car will be in use again. It is very easy to request reinstatement of the coverage by calling or sending a letter to the provider to inform about the resumption date. But remember that you'll only enjoy the benefit of this strategy if the money spared goes to your savings or investments instead of being spent.
It is true that knowledge is power. Your advantage over the rest lies in your knowledge about something; that's why researching and asking really pays.